Balidorn Mixed Emotions ShCM (Sascha)

(Balidorn Travelling Nomad x Balidorn Sentimental)

* 28.2.2006

Sascha has matured nicely and now has 12 BOBs at general open shows, a G1 & G2 placement and has qualified for Crufts 2010,
not just a pretty face she has gained her Silver Good Citizen as well as being placed in a good class of pre-beginners obedience at the YSSC


Photos taken March 2009:

Photo by Maureen Bywater

Photo by Maureen Bywater
Owned by Hilary Gamble
Sascha and Hilary are gaining confidence in the
show ring together, having been placed in most of her classes to date, she
has two best Sheltie puppy awards and a RBPIS via a large AVNSC class under
Andrew Brace at the Southport Premier Open Show.
Balidorn Travelling Nomad Edglonian Strolling Nomad
of Lochkaren
Milesend Stroller
Edglonian Rather a Dark
Balidorn Bronze Delight Balidorn Rolled Oats
Balidorn Samantha Fair
Balidorn Sentimental Balidorn Bacchus Balidorn Rolled Oats
Mountford Mischief
Davisa Moet Halarkos
at Balidorn
Ch Lythwood Shalako
Amber Necter Delight