Balidorn Rob Roy of Marwick (Robbie)

(Balidorn Rolled Oats x  Balidorn Wild Affair)
* 23.10.97

"Robbie" lives with Marlene Bestwick in Nottingham,
he was "Best Puppy dog" and "Res Best Sheltie puppy"
at the Nottingham and Newark show, when just 6 months old.
 Since then he has gained 1 CC at the "Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wales"  Best dog and Res BIS at the "Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Wales", plus many BOB`s at Open shows

Balidorn Rolled Oats Balidorn Wild Oats Ch Tegwel Wild Ways at Sandwick
Balidorn Frivolity
Balidorn Goldfinch Ch Lythwood Skymaster
Balidorn Living Doll
Balidorn Wild Affair
 Ch Tegwel Wild Ways
      of Sandwick
Ch Lythwood Skymaster
Marklin Wild Gypsy of
Balidorn Frivolity Glensanda Gallivanter
Balidorn Living Doll