Balidorn Ticket to Ride (Harvey)

(Breaksea Revolution x Balidorn Enigma)
* 13.4.05
7 months old, first show, first point.
Growing up aged 5 1/2 months 
Left Wales in June to start a new life with Tom and Susan Hamilton in Coupeville, Washington. 
Watch this space..........
Breaksea Revolution GBCH. Moonhill Does It In Style GBCH. Gillaber Tillycorthie
GBCH. Moonhill Classy Business
GBCH. Breaksea Imagine GBCH. Sammara Soft Touch
GBCH. Breaksea Ebony And Ivory
Balidorn Enigma
GBCH. Gillaber Drummond GBCH. Gillaber Tillycorthie
Gillaber Cairnacay
Balidorn Cari On Regardless GBCH. Potterdale Privilege
Balidorn Continuity